Who Are We?
If you've ever tuned into an episode of Attempted Adventure and thought to yourself "Huh, I wish I could get to know these people a little better!" Well, first of all you're obviously not paying close enough attention to the podcast. Second of all, LOOK NO FURTHER!
Attempted Adventure is comprised of five life-long friends! Mike and Jamie are siblings, Mike being the older brother and Jamie being the better child. Manda and Mike are married and the proud human parents to Podrick, AAC's resident beast companion. Matt, Ali, and Jamie have grown up together since childhood and have been best friends for many years.
We started our first campaign in October of 2019 and very shortly after started season 1 of Attempted Adventure in which we played a home brew campaign titled Harmony. We recently finished our second season playing a campaign titled Woven in the world of Ocsire! We've grown a lot since our very first session and as we think about what our third season could bring the options are endless. Thank you for supporting us and we hope you continue to enjoy all that we have in store for you in the future of Attempted Adventure!

I'm the writer and GM of the Harmony and Woven campaigns and I played Bilwin Bonk in the Haunting of Maplecliff Manor. I'm an artist who loves storytelling and goofing around with my friends. Producing this podcast has evolved from a hobby to a passion in a very short amount of time. I hope you enjoy the future of Attempted Adventure!
I played Otto in the Harmony campaign, Laurenzia Ragestream in The Haunting of Maplecliff Manor, and Mido Taletreader in the Woven campaign. I'm a professional writer and am one of the humans to Podrick, otherwise known as Pteri Crews. Thank you for supporting Attempted Adventure!
I played Melody Cheerwine in the Harmony campaign, Maggie in The Haunting of Maplecliff Manor, and Billie Brandybirch in the Woven campaign. I love playing DnD and laughing with my friends. I am the other human to Podrick (Pteri) and hope you continue to listen and enjoy Attempted Adventure!
I played Portia Puddlejumper in the Harmony campaign, Ivy in The Haunting of Maplecliff Manor, and Isla Brooks in the Woven campaign. I love being able to improvise, problem solve, and kick some hobgoblin butt with my friends. Thank you for listening to Attempted Adventure! Please look forward to our future endeavors!
Player/GM - he/him
I played Fennian Albrite in the Harmony campaign, GM'd/wrote The Haunting of Maplecliff Manor, and play Jean-Pierre Severin Saint-Saëns in the Woven campaign! I love storytelling, acting and singing. Thanks for listening to us play DnD and have fun, I hope you laugh along with us every week! I look forward to you hearing everything new we have coming for you in the future!
I sometimes did the voice of Pteri Crews in the Harmony campaign when Jamie couldn't edit out my crying in the background. I'm a rowdy boy who loves to play fetch and whine when my humans are playing DnD instead of playing with me. I am 10/10 good boy. 4/10 good player. Thank you for listening to my humans's PODcast!
GM/Player - she/her
Player - he/him
Player - she/her
Player - she/her
Beast Companion - he/him